ICN Business School is pleased to announce the fifth Multinational Enterprise and Sustainable Development conference (MESD’17 – www.mesd.org/2017) to be held on December 7-9, 2017 at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
MESD’17 focuses on “Sustainable Development Goals: What Can MNEs Do?” This multidisciplinary conference builds on a previous research conducted under the auspices of MESD, as an organization and prior conferences.
It is co-organized by the Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education and Research of the Scheller College of Business, The ICN Business School ARTEM, the CEREFIGE consortium of the University of Lorraine and the Georgia Tech Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, along with local partners.
We look forward to your participation in the form of a paper, a case, a “best practices” presentation or your active attendance at this event.
Please find attached the detailed Call for papers including all relevant registration, participation and logistic information.
Please circulate among your own networks.
Looking forward to your involvement
![](https://www.alumnicn.com/medias/image/212969952164ef48691a37d.png )
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