Awarded by ICN Alumni since 1996, the ICN Prize rewards each year an ICN graduate for his/her particularly remarkable professional career. This year, many of you voted for your favorite personality!
On Thursday 22 June 2023, during the General Assembly, the winner was announced.
Chloé LE CLERC DE LA HERVERIE OUATTARA (PGE 2006) is elected Prix ICN 2023!
Congratulations to her and the 2 nominees:
Laurence TOURCHER (PGE 1990), Secrétaire Générale de la direction marketing et communication, France Télévisions
Xavier CHARDON (PGE 1993), CEO, Volkswagen Group France
And the winner of our PRIX ICN 2023 is ...
2023-06-26 15:53:00
2023-06-26 16:18:19
2023-06-26 16:15:52
Awarded by ICN Alumni since 1996, the ICN Prize rewards each year an ICN graduate for his/her particularly remarkable professional career. This year, many of you voted for your favorite personality! On Thursday 22 June 2023, during the General Assembly, the winner was announced.Chloé LE CLERC DE LA HERVERIE OUATTARA (PGE 2006) is elected Prix ICN 2023!Congratulations to her and the 2 nominees:Laurence TOURCHER (PGE 1990), Secrétaire Générale de la direction marketing et communication, France TélévisionsXavier CHARDON (PGE 1993), CEO, Volkswagen Group FranceDiscover about Chloé here
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